Reaching over 37 Million Girls

Over 37 million girls living in Nigeria today struggle with the inability to access hygienic menstrual products, education, waste management facilities or a combination of these. We are determined to change that.


Reusable pads given


Disadvantaged girls reached


Communities reached

“We are committed to eradicating period poverty among young girls and women in Nigeria through the provision of access to menstrual health education, sustainable reusable products and support.

As a small NGO driven purely by passion and the kind generosity of our incredible donors, we are proud to say that since May 2022 we have ensured that 5000 reusable pads have been given to the girls that need them the most. But for us, there is still so much work to do…”

Dr. Onyinye Oti

Director of Research and Advocacy

Next step

Everyday we ensure that girls do not get exposed to lifelong diseases or miss out on an education. We are committed to ensuring that every girl gets a dignified period but WE CANNOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!

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